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Our encore with Davis...years laterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2387 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Kaye Picture in profile
Added: Jul 14 2003Views / Reads: 1719 / 1432 [83%]Part vote: 9.44 (9 votes)
Dan and I decided to have another threesome with Davis.

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The Encore - 1986

Dan and I had been married for 13 years and had been enjoying somewhat of an ‘open' lifestyle for the previous seven. This began with a threesome we had with our friend Davis and was my first experience with swinging (or rather my first willing involvement in sex with anyone other than my husband). Since that time I had had several encounters with other men and, with a few exceptions, all with Dan's prior consent. Our daughters were getting old enough to start being observant so, after some soul-searching and plenty of discussion, we decided to suspend our lifestyle until the kids were either out of the house or at least more independent. We decided to have one ‘last fling' that summer and began working on plans. As was typical, both our girls went to spend a month with his parents in the summer and we decided that that would be the perfect time.

I should mention that we had moved to Texas several years earlier for Dan's new job and had not seen any of our old friends since moving. We decided that another threesome with Davis would be a fitting conclusion of our journey as it was with him that it all began. I should also mention that Davis had been married for several years and that he and his wife had a two-year-old daughter. His wife was having a difficult time with postpartum issues and, according to my husband; he had shared that their sexual life had been suspended to the extent that they were sleeping in separate rooms. Now I know that we were involved with a ...

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