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The Drivethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3049 words)

Author: bat
Added: Jul 17 2003Views / Reads: 3307 / 2327 [70%]Story vote: 8.11 (9 votes)
My husband and lover had never met, it was time that was remedied.

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Finally, finally, finally, the three of us are going to meet! I can't believe how excited I am about this meeting between my husband, my lover and myself.

John and I have been married for nearly 20 years, and have eased ourselves into a marriage full of understanding and freedoms. I play more often then John does, in fact, he has only played once or twice. I on the other hand have had several lovers in the past few years. I've enjoyed each and every one of them and in fact love each of them in the way a lover loves her lover. It's a sweet love, based on pure pleasure. There are no expectations, no demands only the meeting of two people willing to give and take what pleasure they can for that moment in time.

I met Russ a few months ago, and quickly clicked with him. Our body's and mind's melded at the first meeting. That first meeting was a simple meeting that took months to get to. We sat in my van and simply talked. We simply held hands and shared one kiss, nothing more. But the electricity I felt in those tiny intimacies was intense. I knew I had to share more with him, and we have.

Normally when I meet a new lover John comes along with me for several meetings until I am completely comfortable with the man then if I feel the need to meet on my own I do so. But with Russ, and I really don't know the reason why, John didn't come along for the initial meeting or ...

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