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Just Another Daythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1295 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: slut to Sir
Added: Jul 22 2003Views / Reads: 803 / 658 [82%]Part vote: 7.83 (6 votes)
My day continues when Sir has me masurbate in the grocery store parking lot.

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I opened the car door and sat down behind the wheel. The interior was warm from baking in the sun all day; it felt good, almost as if it my outsides were as now as hot as my insides. Turning my key in the ignition, the radio began blaring loudly. The noisy music that had pleased my ears earlier that morning now grated on them. I quickly reached over and pushed the button of my favorite classical station, much better. I was in a thinking mood, the softer sounds were soothing and would allow me to concentrate on my thoughts during the drive home.

Easing the car into gear, I began to make my way to the apartment I had recently moved to. Even though the place was small and the location of the complex seemed loud, getting accustomed to new surroundings, without my husband of 20 years, had been easier than I had imagined. My new life was good, but I still suffered from occasional pangs of guilt, having been the one who said, "I want a divorce." The actual legal proceedings had been quick; we had never been fighters and the details of dividing our property and bills were agreed to fairly easily.

I stopped a nearby market to pick up some much needed food. My cupboards were bare and I couldn't afford to eat out, again. I swung into a parking place and as I was turning off the car my cell phone rang. Damn, the interruption was aggravating without even checking the display to see who was calling; I answered the phone with a sharp ...

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