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A Harley ride to the riverthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1175 words)

Author: DaSwallower
Added: Jul 26 2003Views / Reads: 5610 / 1 [0%]Story vote: 7.25 (4 votes)
5 people, 3 harleys and a cool refreshing river

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We're riding with some of friends, 3 bikes with 3 riders and 2 passengers. I sense quite a bit of sexual tension mounting every time we stop for a break. You have been making sure I know how much you'd like to bend me over your bike and wouldn't hesitate to do just that if you knew for sure how the others would react. One of the other couples is talking about maybe stopping off at a secluded park and swimming in the river. We talk about it and even though none of us have swimsuits, we all think it's a great idea. We all get back on the bikes, knowing that soon we'll all be taking off our clothes together to get into the cool refreshing water. I wrap my arms around you and place my hands on your thighs and notice your cock is hard. Knowing what this means for me later I feel myself get wetter. We get to the park and park the bikes. All of us are wondering who will be the first ones naked and you make sure that you take the lead as usual. You look at me; tell me to start walking and taking off clothes as I go. With everyone watching me, I start walking towards the water, thanking god that none of you can see my face, my hard nipples and the wetness that will be dripping down my leg soon. Off comes my tank top, dropped in the grass, then my bra. You and the other 2 guys begin making comments about the view. I unbutton my shorts and stop to let them drop to the ground. Since I wasn't even wearing a thong, I'm already naked. I finish the walk to the water and you call out to me to wait, you want to be in the water to watch me walk in, so I stop at the edge of the river to turn and wait. I notice that everyone is in the process of taking off their clothes and there are not only three hardons to look at but also ...

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