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A Frindly Wager Chapter Ninethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 11933 words) [9/11] show all parts

Author: dc2469
Added: Jul 27 2003Views / Reads: 2555 / 1867 [73%]Part vote: 9.60 (5 votes)
Angie sees that there may be no going back

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A Friendly Wager Chapter Nine

By dc2469

This is a work of fiction meant for adults only.

I finally did drift off to sleep somewhere around three or four in the morning, but I was awake by six, and decided I'd had enough of just laying there. Angie was still out cold. I moved her arm that was across my chest, and slid out from under the covers. I looked back to see Angie curl up, and burrow deeper into the pillows. I went over and found some workout clothes, and went into the bathroom to get changed. When I came out, the only thing that had changed was that Angie's face was hidden behind a cloud of dark hair.

I grabbed my bag and keycard, and headed for the elevator. When I walked in there was a guy peddling away on the cycle. I nodded to him as I went over to the treadmill. I pulled out my CD player and started to get into a good pace. While I was walking the guy on the cycle went over and used the weight machine. I punched the speed up a little more, and then finished with a short cool down.

I dropped the CD player back into the bag, and pulled out the gloves. After I had been on the heavy bag for a while the other guy finished up his workout and left. With him gone I soon lost myself in my own little ...

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