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Oh What A Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1530 words)

Author: Guitarguy
Added: Jul 29 2003Views / Reads: 3396 / 2663 [78%]Story vote: 7.50 (4 votes)
Friends take their friendship to the next level. Asian/oral

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Oh What A Night

I had become friends with Lisa through a mutual friend during the last few years of high school. She was quite pretty; a real Korean beauty. She was about 5'4" and her dark hair fell halfway down her back, revealing one of the best asses you could ever find. Her breasts were also amazing, not to big, not to small, and fit her little body perfectly.

After high school we both went our separate ways to college, but remained in touch. Then we both returned home from our first semester and desided to get together since we hadn't seen each other since summer. We desided to go to a movie and for coffee or something afterwards, nothing special, not a date, but just something to do together. Who knew then how that night would turn out.

I picked her up at her house, under her coat she was wearing a maroon shirt that fit her nicely, accenting her beautiful breasts and a pair of jeans that showed off her great ass. She said she wanted to see some chick flick that had just come out, but I reluctantly agreed. There were very few people in the theatre when we arrived, so we chose two seats towards the back where it's easier to see.

From the very start, it was obvious why this movie was given its R rating. It seemed like the leading actress was going at it every 10 ...

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