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Poke-Her Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4061 words)

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Aug 06 2003Views / Reads: 11809 / 11006 [93%]Story vote: 9.09 (54 votes)
My future step-dad is home with the guys playing poker. He's out of money and I get offered up as part of the wager. Unfortunately, his full house wasn't enough!

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Poke-her party

Mom had been living with Frank for a couple years now. He was a nice enough guy and seemed to treat mom pretty well, but he was a bit lazy and drank too much for my liking. When mom told me that they were going to get married, I figured it would be good for her to have someone to keep her company since I was away most the year at college.

Mom worked at the community hospital as a ER nurse, and was also in the Air Force Reserves as a nurse too. When the war in the middle east was heating up, mom's reserve unit got called up and she was deployed just after Christmas. I came home at the end of June from College and it was a little weird staying in the house with Frank, but he had never done anything inappropriate towards me and I figured that I would be around him much between working and my own social life. Frank was kind of lost without mom around to give him some direction, and he would start drinking early in the afternoon and pass out most nights in the recliner.

Several weeks went by without much contact until one night I came home from a party about 1:00 AM. There were several cars parked in the driveway and as I opened the door, the smell of beer and cigarette smoke filled my nostrils. There were three other men sitting around the dinning room table with Frank playing poker. They appeared to be about ¾ sloshed and starting "Oooooing" and whistling like I was some ...

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