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Chance meeting 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2251 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: shirley
Added: Aug 09 2003Views / Reads: 350 / 238 [68%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
After talking online for several months, I accidently meet him in person making our special relationship go a step further. This is part two of our first date. Enjoy

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I got off him and Andres stood up. We quickly got dressed and left the room. It felt so natural to hold his hand as we were walking down the hall. I never could understand it. From the moment we met on line, I had this comfort feeling with him that I never had with anyone before. I mean how in the world can someone get a comfort feeling over someone that is hundreds of miles away from you and typing on a keyboard. I didn't know what he looked like or anything about him but for some inexplicable reason, it seemed as if we had known each other forever. I could do and say almost anything with him. He had an effect on me that made any inhibitions go out the window. After he sent me his picture, it just seemed to confirm everything he said and I thought. My mind was in a cloud as I realized that we were in his car driving through downtown. Now I'm sure that there must be some excellent seafood restaurants in the city and since we are both Italian, he would know of some exquisite Italian eateries, but instead, he pulled up in front of one of my favorites, HRC. We walked in and were seated. As the waiter came to take our order, it seemed as if time was standing still. Even though we have talked at length many times over the months, and had some quiet moments, it seemed as if we could continue to talk forever.

Dinner went beautifully and we had a splendid time. After he paid the check, we went over to the souvenir shop and bought what seemed like a ton of stuff. We went back to the car and he drove me to the waterfront. It was alive with people and lights as the weekend partiers seemed to be out in force. We held hands as we walked down the ...

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