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The [censored]this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2258 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: LilButterfly
Added: Aug 10 2003Views / Reads: 4136 / 3175 [77%]Part vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
An Internet chat lover begins to fulfill his lovers greatest fantasy.

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Part 1 - The [censored]

It was almost midnight when I head Dakota growl on the floor next to my bed. Without looking, I reached down and patted her head with my hand, and assured that she was more than likely seeing one of the cats moving through the hallway. I reached up onto my headboard, and grabbed a dog bone from the supply that I always kept handy. I handed it to her, and she began contentedly working on the bone.

She stopped chewing all of a sudden, and began growling again, which caused me to lift my head and begin reaching for my glasses. As I was doing so, however, something came down over my eyes plunging me into darkness. I tried to scream, but a hand quickly clamped over my mouth. Dakota was barking, now, her noise reverberating off of the walls.

"I am going to remove my hand. I want you to tell that mutt to shut up and go outside. Do you understand?" His voice was low and gruff. I shook my head but was quickly reprimanded by having my hair pulled back causing me to arch my whole upper body. "Do you understand?" He asked again. Tears were beginning to stream down my cheeks as I nodded slowly. He removed his hand from my mouth, but kept a firm grip on my hair. When I didn't say anything, he yanked my hair back further, and I cried out. Dakota barked louder and this time I felt her jump up onto the bed.


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