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Leftovers, a Master PC Talethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 8309 words)

Author: JRParz
Added: Aug 11 2003Views / Reads: 2134 / 1855 [87%]Story vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
Heather suddenly finds herself free from an unscroupolous mind controller, but still must deal with her physical and mental alterations... but what happens when Danny inherits the Master PC program? Does his high sense of moral values enable him to resis

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Disclaimer... the usual - Under 18, scram!

This is copyrighted August 2003 by jrparz@hotmail.com.

Meet Heather, a lovely young woman who has physically been altered to look like a sex goddess... and given a libido to match. Due to something unexpected, she's released from the control of her protagonist and must now deal with her new 'condition' with embarrassment. Meet Danny, who comes across the Master PC program that has done all this... and more. Can a person with morals withstand the overpowering temptation to use the program for his own personal desires?

A Master PC Tale "Leftovers" by JR Parz


Dan McCarthy entered the condo somewhat amazed. His cousin, Cash, who he hadn't seen nor talked to in over a year, had died in car accident last month... and as a result he had been made sole beneficiary of his condominium and all its contents.

Having no idea his cousin had this kind of money; he was shocked at hearing of his inheritance and even more shocked at discovering the place was huge with five bedrooms loaded with expensive furniture... ...

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