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The Traveling Salesman - Chapter 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 4931 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Dan the Cab Man Picture in profile
Added: Aug 14 2003Views / Reads: 2962 / 2634 [89%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Our traveling salesman brings his wife along on a business trip.....

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Traveling Salesman - Chapter 2

Arriving at the large New England college moments before a 10:00 meeting was standard procedure. Never set an appointment before 10:00 a.m., and never be more than 5 minutes early. The stiffness from a 6 hour drive the night before and the lack of a full 8 1/2 hours sleep were the only things out of the ordinary. I liked the rare times that my wife was able to accompany me, but she preferred to drive whenever possible, and today that tactic, as it usually did, brought us into town way too late to get a full night's sleep, not to mention a little bed-time action. After having hinted around about it during the entire trip, she had fallen asleep minutes after checking into the motel.

The dean was standing on the steps to the administration building, waiting. Upon seeing my wife in the front seat, he ran down the few steps to make sure he was there to open the door for her. "Always a gentleman", I remarked, struggling with my heavy briefcase. "Good to see you again. I trust I'm not late. By the way, Sam, this is my wife, Laura. She helps me a lot in my business and ...."

"David! Good to see you again, too. You know your not late, and don't bother with that briefcase. I know your product and I know pretty much what I need this year. We just need to do our little negotiations routine and our business will be finished. I'm very pleased to meet you, Laura. Your husband did say that you travel with him sometimes. ...

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