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A Surprise for Cynthiathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 6978 words) [1/7] show all parts

Author: Nebula
Added: Aug 16 2003Views / Reads: 7099 / 4970 [70%]Part vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
A plot to get two people from the same office building together finally works.. BOY DOES IT WORK. This will be a multipart story that progresses through their weekend together.

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[sorry about all the tech. Problems on this story everyone. Thank you for being so nice about it and thanks for the comments]

Ok... here it is....I admit it. I'm a big girl. Now don't get me wrong. Despite my weight I am an attractive 33 year old professional woman who has an active sex life and even though I would love to be less heavy, it is probably not going to happen any time soon. I don't like being heavy, but I refuse to let it stop my life from happening. I have lots of friends and they all say I wear my weight well. I have a very proportioned hour glass figure.

Sexually I am very upfront about my life. I have been referred to as a gay man trapped in a woman's body because I enjoy a certain amount of ... well.... forwardness in my relationships. I enjoy sex. I enjoy talking about it with my friends, many of which are gay men. And I make sure that anyone who gets involved with me knows that they are getting ME! No excuses, no surprises.

So, after having said all that and knowing that my weight is not my favorite thing about myself. What happens when someone like me meets someone who's sexually excited by my worst problem? Not like a fetish really but, a man who actually likes women who are curvy, you know, women who look like WOMEN! Do I .... 1. Freak and run? 2. Go with it and see where it goes? 3. Ignore it and pretend that it happens to me everyday? Or do I...4. Drill him for information and then do all of ...

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