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Home sweet homethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 3145 words)

Author: SeekingLover
Added: Aug 22 2003Views / Reads: 4518 / 3303 [73%]Story vote: 8.50 (6 votes)
After all those years, I at last got the courage to allow myself to have my first homosexual experience...

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When I was 16-17 years old, I sort of had a great interest i porn, although it didn't exactly turn me on. More like visual pleasure or something. Especially I liked pictures of women sucking cocks. For quite a while, I just thought I liked seeing pictures of women sucking cocks, until one day when I realized, that what I really did look at, was all those cocks, while the women didn't actually matter that much.

I didn't think much about the fact, that it might have been some sort of homosexual edge to my sexuality. I accepted it without thought, but with an inner ironic smile. Sort of mocking myself a little in my thoughts. After that I enjoyed having homosexual fantasies from time to time. Some of them turned me on, some of them just roamed my imagination. A couple of years later, I got quite choked, as I experienced for the first time to fall in love with another guy. I didn't have the courage to let the guy know, that I was in love with him, so I just let it pass.

In the meantime, allmost 11 years have passed, and all I ever experienced from my homosexual side have been love and infatuation at a distance and a lot of fantasies. But I never even kissed a guy. That was until about a month ago.

One day I decided, that I had had it with just going for fantasies at a distance. Now I wanted to experience all those things, I've always just dreamt about. I wanted to experience how it felt to be with a guy, only ...

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