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young temptationthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 4938 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Marion de Santers Picture in profile
Added: Aug 23 2003Views / Reads: 18071 / 15616 [86%]Part vote: 8.71 (14 votes)
i just could not resist the young girlfriend of my son

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Young temptation Author's note: I'm new here: as an author (not as a consumer/reader of erotic stories). Never having written an erotic story in English before (German being my native language), I would appreciate feedback on my story. You can send it anonymously or not. Depending on your feedback - this story should only be the beginning ... The kind of stories I like to write are: (relatively) straight, with a lot of romance, and trying to express and describe my deep, inner feelings (specially towards women), absolutely no sort of any violence b.t.w: the following story is completely fictious ...

It was one of these hot July days, hotter than any other day in an already extremely hot summer in Austria. Kathy, my wife had left for work and I had just returned from seeing our youngest son to the kindergarden. The rest of our not too-small family, the older three kids had made up their mind to go on a bicycle tour and then head for a swim somewhere near our village.

Thus I stayed alone in our big house and started on my teleworking task, exactly like I had planned.

I deeply concentrated in reading some interesting submissions on how to best provide dynamical web- and lookup-services, downloaded some coding snipplets, tried to correct, extend and finally assemble the java-classes as to get these software pieces up and running on my webserver. Fighting around with correcting both errors and deployment ...

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