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Getting a New Black Slavethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 543 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: mistress58
Added: Aug 26 2003Views / Reads: 1408 / 1 [0%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
I recently acquired a new, African-American male sex slave. He does, however, have a very strange fetish; one that even I've never heard of!

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Last week, I got my first sex slave. True, he wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but he won me over anyway. I'm glad he did, for we will have many wonderful adventures together. He does, however, have one very strange fetish and I'm sure that none of you have ever heard of it.

You see, he is black and he likes to be called racial names and insults. He likes to pretend that he is my turn of the century slave that I bought at an auction. I take him home to work in my house and lust takes over my mind and body and I end up totally dominating him into submission. He and I met in a chat room and we'd been talking to each other off and on, either online or through phone calls for several months.

I invited him over while my roommate was home and we both inspected him together. She and I are both dominants, but that's a whole other story. She liked him immediately and found him to be very attractive. She flirted and teased him unmercifully. I loved it. I was still having doubts about the racial thing, but he assured me that it was a total turn-on for him. He said it was like talking dirty during sex. So, I agreed to try it, with the provision that I could stop it if I felt uncomfortable.

When he was summoned to my chambers, I told him to stop and buy me some new toys and he did not disappoint me, so I sent him to the bathroom to ...

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