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Underdressedthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 5805 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: dirtypunk
Added: Aug 26 2003Views / Reads: 2576 / 2092 [81%]Part vote: 9.09 (11 votes)
Zero may seem like nothing, but he turns out to be everything Will had ever wanted

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Zero may seem like nothing, but he turns out to be everything that Will had ever wanted ........................................................................ ....................................................................... . ........................................... Will sat in a fold out cha ir in a dark corner of the auditorium; He couldn't believe, Diane. Just be cause they were a little late and he was a little underdressed she ge ts pissed off and dumps him so she won't have to live through a little e mba rrassment. He tried to think his actions over figure out what he did to set her off.

He remembered having a short jack off session before he left his house, (making him late) but he felt that he'd honestly did it out of Diane's best interest. It was just one of those days when his senses were flying all over the place and he had to find some route of release to get the mess out of his system. Besides, he thought Diane wouldn't appreciate him staring down her tight party dress all night or getting experimental with their dirty dancing.

Secondly, nobody had warned him about the dress-rule they had going on ...

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