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Ranger Tails: Deborahthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:bondage, 4364 words)

Author: RangerLisa
Added: Aug 27 2003Views / Reads: 4447 / 3530 [79%]Story vote: 9.17 (6 votes)
Deborah and her Dom are up from the city, what a week I had!

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People from the city are a mystery to me. I mean, I know this is the great outdoors, god's country and all that, but really. What motivates someone to leave a nice apartment or house with electricity, air conditioning, TV and come out here to stay in a shanty for a week? I swear we are a backwards country, when people pay for the privilege of living in shacks with no electricity, no running water and no screens on the windows. No wonder so many third world countries think we have lost our collective marbles.

Don't get me wrong, I spend upwards of 60 hours a week out here, but at least I get paid for it and can go home to a hot shower, TV and a room where the temperature doesn't make hell seem artic. The ones with kids are even worse, I can't imagine some of these little monsters in a car for six and a half hours. No wonder the parents pawn 'em off on us and generally stay away from 'em as much as they can.

I've asked patrons before and you get anything from the macho "I like roughing it" type answers to "it builds character", but most just shrug and look at me like I don't know how good I have it. This little story is about the weekend I met Deborah, her reasons at least made sense to me.

It was a Friday and I was late to work as usual. Carl gave me a dirty ...

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