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The Bigger, the Betterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3273 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Stormbringer
Added: Jul 04 2000Views / Reads: 3565 / 3243 [91%]Part vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
Gene asks Brad to be the surrogate penis to stretch out his wife in preparation for his fourteen inch penis. He sneaks over to make sure everything is going ok. Probably one more chapter after this one.

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Gene awoke several times during the night to find his wife slowly fingering herself. She squirmed around in bed or tossed and turned all night. He sighed knowing her horniness and lack of sleep would make her real bitchy the next day. He was surprised to find himself actually hoping Brad agreed to prepare her for him. Clinical or not, the sex should hopefully calm her down.

After work the next day, Gene hurried over to Brad's house. His friend seemed surprised when Gene asked him to be the surrogate penis.

"Why Gene," he said, "I must say I'm honored and surprised. I'll do it, though I hate the thought of doing this behind Tiffany's back. I miss her so much. Is Brenda ok with this?"

"Yeah," said Gene. "It was her idea and don't worry we won't tell Tiffany. Plus, I don't want you to orgasm inside my wife's vagina, so it's not like your actually cheating on her. Your just using your penis to stretch Brenda out."

"Good idea Gene," said Brad. "I wish I had thought of that when my friend prepared my girlfriend for me."

"One more condition," said Gene. "I have to be there to watch the procedure."


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