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The Mallthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 4548 words)

Author: Mistress MJ
Added: Aug 31 2003Views / Reads: 3671 / 3019 [82%]Story vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
A Mistress takes her male submissive to the mall. Includes vouyerism, exhibitionism and lesbian scenes.

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It was late fall when she decided she would take him to the mall. She knew how he hated shopping, but then again, most men do. "After today", she mused, he'll never view shopping in the same way.

She made him take this day off from work. "My Sweet", she had phoned him and said, "I would like you to take next Tuesday off from work. "You have sick days coming and I have a surprise for you." She didn't have to ask twice - she knew he would do this for her.

He had anticipated this day from the moment she called. "What could Mistress have planned for me?" he thought. It didn't matter, he knew it would be something he would enjoy. She liked to take the mundane and make it magical. Still, the anticipation grew as each day passed. He just knew Tuesday would be a special day for him.

She arrived at 9AM sharp wearing her winter coat and heels. "It must be a cold day, he thought to himself" "And wherever we're going, she's not going to be walking much because of her shoes." "Ah, maybe she's just going to take me to a hotel."

As he seated himself in the car, he couldn't help but ask. "Mistress, what are your plans for me today?" His voice was light and happy, but she knew that would all change in a moment. "I am taking you to the mall, my darling." she said, without batting an eyelash or glancing in his direction. "Oh dear Lord, " he thought. "Please, take me ...

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