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I Want to Phil Good--Part 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1757 words) [4/7] show all parts

Author: Phil Good
Added: Sep 10 2003Views / Reads: 1096 / 902 [82%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Phil puts his lessons to work.

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Phil learned a great deal about sex from Judy. It was a very sad day for him when he had to leave for college. He wanted to stay with Judy, but both of them knew that the best summer of their lives was over.

Phil soon found that college offered many opportunities to put the lessons Judy taught him to use. He met Laura the first day of class. She sat next to him in English class. She was very easy to talk to and very nice to look at. Her long, dark brown hair accentuated her face. Her tits stood proudly under her blouse. Phil quickly began to wonder what she would be like in bed. He didn't have to wonder long.

After the first week of class, Laura mentioned that she was having difficulty understanding the nuances of the book they were reading. Phil offered to help her study, and they were soon in her off campus apartment she shared with another girl. He was a good tutor and Laura quickly understood the hidden meanings behind the authors words.

She was so happy to finally understand the story she gave Phil a big hug in appreciation. "You make it seem so easy, Phil.", she exclaimed, "Thank you so much." Then she kissed him on the cheek. Phil hugged her back and kissed her cheek.

Then they looked into each others eyes. Phil kissed her lips. Laura kissed him back and then said, "I've wanted you to do that since we met." "Would you like me to do it again?" "Yes." ...

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