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Graduation Trip Day 6: The Last Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2101 words) [5/6] show all parts

Author: Nancy
Added: Sep 11 2003Views / Reads: 1411 / 1173 [83%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
A night of dancing leads to skinny dipping, sharing a shower, and mutual masturbation.

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Day 6: The Last Night

By the time I finally made it back to my hotel room, after saying goodbye to Kathy and Al, Lyndse and Beth were ready to go out to dinner. I quickly showered, and threw on a tiny black skirt with no panties or bra. After eating, we went to a club called El Abebrije, the mystery. It was our last night in Cancun, and we wanted it to be the best.

The club was cool, filled with black light, glow in the dark paintings, and furniture that was made for dancing on. We got our drinks and staked out a spot along one of the walls, but on top of a platform. We had a bird's eye view of everything, and guys immediately surrounded us.

I started dancing with a cute, short guy who introduced himself as Patrick. He was sweet, but he wasn't aggressive enough for me. He just kind of stood there, dancing next to me, not really making eye contact. I kept leaving to go to the bathroom, and getting drinks hoping that he'd get bored and go away. He never did. Then, finally, a tall and devastatingly good-looking black guy started dancing near us.

He introduced himself, and I found out he went to the same college that I would be attending in the fall. When I started dancing again, it was with my new friend Ben. Patrick got the hint and slinked away. We ...

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