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She-male Threesomethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:threesomes, 2487 words)

Author: Peter Handler
Added: Sep 11 2003Views / Reads: 4043 / 3514 [87%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A horny Marine picks up two she-male whores.

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By Peter Handler

I would like to tell you about the kinkiest sexual experience of my life. I was a naïve eighteen year-old Marine stationed at a large Navy base in the Phillipines. My sexual experience was limited to three blow jobs by gay men on the front seats of their cars. I had only been in the Phillipines for a few days and was still going through training.

I went into town on liberty one evening. I did not know where to go because I had not yet made friends who could steer me in the right direction. My goal, though, was to get some pussy. I wanted to lose my virginity and the sooner the better. I wandered into the red-light district and began bar-hopping. I wasn't much of a drinker back then, so by the time I got to the fifth or sixth bar, I couldn't walk a straight line.

No sooner had I settled in at the bar than someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see a very pretty girl about my own age. She invited me to join her at a table. After a few minutes of chit-chat, she offered to spend the night with me for what seemed to me a very reasonable sum. I agreed without hesitation. When she saw how easy I was, she asked me if I would prefer two girls. She left and returned a few minutes later with another girl about the same age who was just as ...

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