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Sisters Boyfriendsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1579 words)

Author: N-Knight
Added: Sep 16 2003Views / Reads: 7070 / 5745 [81%]Story vote: 8.00 (9 votes)
The parents are away, the girls will play...

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With the help of my older sister, Jackie, and two of her boyfriends, I lost my virginity the weekend my folks went to Vegas. I was 16 at the time, and Jackie was a worldly 18.

My mom and dad left bright and early one Friday, giving us each $50 and strict instructions to behave ourselves and not to get into any trouble. As our folks pulled out of the driveway, Jackie looked at me and asked, "What have you got planned for the weekend?"

I shrugged and told her that I'd probably spend all my time in the pool. She gave me one of her sly, secretive smiles and told me that her concept of a good time would begin when Brad and Jeff arrived.

I was out by the pool when Brad and Jeff arrived. I knew they were there because I heard Jackie take them into the family room and turn the stereo up full blast. When I went to the kitchen for a glass of cold water, I could hear them downstairs laughing. I also caught a whiff of marijuana coming up through the floor vents. Moving quietly down the stairs, I paused at the top of the steps leading down to the basement. Jackie had left the door slightly ajar and I could hear them talking.

"Jeff, you're bogarting that joint!" I heard Jackie say. I tip-toed down the stairs and peered cautiously through the crack in the door. Brad ...

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