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The Repair Jobthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2758 words)

Author: wanton dreamer
Added: Sep 20 2003Views / Reads: 3607 / 3164 [88%]Story vote: 8.00 (5 votes)
A simple PC repair, reveals hidden wants & desires, then the opportunity to fulfil them

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The Repair Job Working in the IT industry it wasn't uncommon for friends and family to ask me for help when their personal machines went into a funk. One day in mid summer, I got a call from Susan, a thin, auburn haired and nice looking gal I had met through a friend at the office. Susan was in her early 30's and a working professional, I hadn't given much thought to her since our introduction that day 3 weeks earlier, and was a bit surprised to be getting a call from her.

She was pretty up-set that her PC seemed to have "died" perhaps do to a virus or something. She asked if I wouldn't mind coming over, as a favor to Mindy (my co-worker who had Introduced us), first chance I had and seeing if I could recover her system, or at the very least her critical files. I told her I would be over the next day since I didn't have any plans for the weekend it wouldn't be a problem to see what I could do.

Saturday came and I arrived just before 11:00. Susan greeted me at the door wearing what I can only describe as a pretty skimpy swimsuit. "Sorry, I was out tanning in the back and kinda forgot about the time," she said.

Hey no need to apologize I told her, "I never turn down a woman in a bathing suit" I joked. She showed me to her "office" space in the house and I got right to work. It didn't take long and I realized that she had hosed her system pretty badly. I told her that recovering her ...

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