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Shane and Ithis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 2487 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: justonelifeform
Added: Sep 20 2003Views / Reads: 3787 / 3340 [88%]Part vote: 9.13 (15 votes)
I have known Shane for most of my life. He and I started in Kindergarten together and seemed to travel right along with me in school. Somewhere in there he became a good friend to me.

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I have known Shane for most of my life. He and I started in Kindergarten together and seemed to travel right along with me in school. Somewhere in there he became a good friend to me.

Neither of us were married as of yet. I had a wonderful girl friend that I loved very much. From the mail I got on occasion from Shane I believed him to be playing the field. The point is, we were both living, what I must assume were, perfectly normal, heterosexual lives.

One night, as I sat down to my computer Shane's name popped up on the screen of a popular message service that I used. I smiled and readied myself for a good long bullshit session with him.

"Been forever! What the hell you been up to?" I typed. "HEY! Damn, I had begun to think you were dead!...lol" Came his reply. We must have chatted for about an hour before realizing how fast time flies. "I best getting going! I haven't eaten and my stomach thinks my throat has been slit!" I messaged him. "Damn...Was enjoying talking. I really miss you you know!???" He quickly typed back. I laughed and added, "I wish we could figure out a way to get together. We need to hit the town!" "I'm coming to town in two months. It's my parent's anniversary and I am planning on staying for about a week. Any chance you can get a day or two off? We could hit the town or whatever!?" My answer was quick. "YES!!! FUCK YEAH!! I can get some time off! You give me the ...

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