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Sweet Kathleen Goes for a Ridethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 3471 words)

Author: subtamer
Added: Sep 20 2003Views / Reads: 2117 / 1239 [59%]Story vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
My long time and real life playmate Kathleen gets to experience something she's longed for. Enter subtamer in the search to find previous stories about Kathleen.

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Sweet Kathleen Goes for a Ride This is the sixth in a series of stories about my real life adventures with Kathleen. I invite readers who enjoy this story to review the others.

There she is, right on time, I chuckled to myself. She is SO sweet, my little submissive playmate, Kathleen. She and I had played several times, but this evening would be different. We were going for a ride.

I was picking her up at her southern California condo. She was to have the garage door open, always my signal from her as to her willingness and eagerness to participate in our little games. As a Dominant, it fell to me, of course, to designate how we would play, but her choice, as always, to participate or not. The essence of the game is to entice; to draw her into doing what I ask; NEVER to coerce or pressure her in any way, but to, as I like to put it, 'invite' her to play. Yes, yes, if she chose to not play, the game is over, but it's underpinning is to 'encourage' her to do things she wouldn't ordinarily do or at least not initiate, but never outside the boundaries we agreed upon. And yes, I do have to admit, sometimes I would punish her, but again, only in a way she secretly (and lately not so secretly) desired. And this evening was no exception. When I told her I was taking her for a ride, and was planning to 'show her off a little' she told me with that wonderful little blush of hers, how much she'd always wanted to do this, but never had the nerve to mention it to anyone let alone do so on her own. Yes, she has an exhibitionistic streak. My oh my, weren't we going to ...

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