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Serving the Amazons - Chapter 9this story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 7356 words) [6/8] show all parts

Author: Anteros
Added: Sep 22 2003Views / Reads: 963 / 827 [86%]Part vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Anteros leaves Lien's house and starts his life of service.

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Serving the Amazons

Chapter 9

Anteros thought too much about Lorissa during his lessons. When he caught himself daydreaming about her, he quickly scolded himself and returned to his studies. He hadn't forgotten what Tiana had said about lives depending on what he learned from her. He also knew that if he daydreamed in Diana's class he could be injured, humiliated, or worst of all, noticed by Diana's critical eye. If she caught his mind drifting away he would be injured and humiliated by her hand. There was no doubt in his mind about this.

The only time he could speak with Lorissa was when they walked to Diana's class together. They were never paired with each other there. They were always paired with an experienced warrior.

Although Anteros was denied what he most lusted for, to hold Lorissa again, he was not deprived of sexual pleasure. Each night he was in the bed of one of the women in Lien's household. He experienced many variations during his weeks in Lien's house. Lien, Phoebe, Alexandra and Kyra all had different preferences. He thought he'd figured them all out and then found that what they wanted sexually changed with their mood. Lien warned him that experiencing five women wasn't adequate to teach him how to deal with all women. She also said that ...

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