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My Best Friends Motherthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2056 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Dr. Robert
Added: Sep 23 2003Views / Reads: 10561 / 9627 [91%]Part vote: 8.33 (12 votes)
My best friends mother seduces me after I help her out with some summer work around her house. Feedback appreciated.

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I had just turned 18 and had a month and a half before I went away to college. My best friend Ryan was a year older than me and went away to college the year before. He ended up meeting a girl at school and decided to stay there for the summer.

I had gotten a job at a local record store to pass the time and make a little cash to take with me when I left for school. I only worked 2 days a week but it was fun and the owner gave me a great discount on CD's.

I woke up Wednesday about 11am and went downstairs to get something to eat. My mom was watching soap operas and knitting when she asked if I could run to the store and pick up some things for her. I said sure and grabbed my wallet and keys and left.

The grocery store seemed crowded for a wednesday and I had to park a mile away from the entrance. I went it and grabbed a cart and started shopping. I had just bent down to grab a loaf of bread off the bottom shelf when I heard a voice.

"Hey good looking, come here often?" I turned around and saw Mrs. McBane standing in front of me. Mrs. McBane was my best friend Ryan's mother. I laughed and replied, "I just happened to be passing through town and thought I would check out what kind of bread they had."


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