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Table For One -- Part II and The Endthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1707 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Zimmy
Added: Sep 23 2003Views / Reads: 2757 / 2110 [77%]Part vote: 8.40 (10 votes)
A housewife's chance encounter with a customer where she is a server brings about an awakening of her sexuality and hard choices.

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Table For One -- Part Two and The End.

I slowly awakened to the pleasurable stroking of my pussy. Eyelashes fluttered as I struggled to swim to the surface of reality. With one deft move he ripped my thong off. That was so unexpected it gave me a jolt of fear, which quickly became urgent arousal. Lips curled to a smile as his hand and fingers caressed my pussy. I whispered "Hi!" as our gazes remained locked. My hips began arching to meet his hand and fingers. Ripples of heat flushed my body as my clit became engorged.

I glanced at the clock and was shocked to see that only twenty minutes had elapsed since our first explosive encounter! My mind blocked out all thoughts of logic as my body responded to his knowing touch. It was exquisite, sweet pain.

He began telling me how beautiful I was and what he was going to do to me. I was drowning in a sea of physical and verbal assault on my senses. I hadn't heard "You're so beautiful" in years. My husband never said anything during our sex times. He thought it was stupid to say anything. Then again, he was the "two minute" man. I couldn't help but compare the two.

My eyes widened as he put two fingers inside me while his thumb stroked my clit. I reached for him, but he commanded that I lie completely still. "Let me take you places you have never been," he quietly stated. ...

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