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Kerri’s Aerobics Class: (under the bed) part1this story is part of the FanClub (ff:masturbation, 1487 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: luigi Picture in profile
Added: Sep 23 2003Views / Reads: 3770 / 2575 [68%]Part vote: 5.50 (4 votes)
Kerri gets stuck in her room mate’s room when her roommate comes back with someone, and lots of things happen under the bed!! (this could fit in too many sections i just had to settle for this)

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I know this sounds weird (and maybe you might wish you were there too) but a lady told me this story while I fucked her brains out after she did this to her aerobics class students enjoy. Kerri was on the internet. she was alone now her room mate was out on a date, and all her dates usually ended up in her room with the guys screwing her hot body to orgasm while Kerri rubbed herself to her roommate's loud mansard just incase, Kerri was Bi but she loved her pussies more than her dicks the main reason being that no one could take care of a pussy and pleasure it as well as person who has one of her own. Anyways back to the story. Kerri was on the internet she logged on to her account on Eroticstories.com and started reading a story by FUNNUN on how she got seduced by a masseuse. It was 2:08 AM when a pop-up ...well.... popped up on the screen. Kerri had downloaded a pop-up blocker and it seemed to be working greatly but this proved it wrong. It was the stuff on the pop-up that caught her attention as she wanted to close it. It was about a custom made dress with flat studded vibrators sewed in and covered with similar colored silk and positioned at special (custom) spots. She had to print this out now. She had already hit Ctrl+P and enter when she remembered she was on her room mate's laptop and the printer was in Jodie's room. It was a network printer and Jodie was touchy about Kerri using her printer. She got up and rushed to get her print-out from Jodie's room. She ran into the living room and across it into Jodie's room and grabbed the paper it had the address for the company and instructions on how to customize your order before you come to pick it up. She turned around quickly when she heard the door open ...

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