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Us, and a friend.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1433 words)

Author: Malcy Picture in profile
Added: Sep 26 2003Views / Reads: 2313 / 1358 [59%]Story vote: 7.50 (2 votes)
after some chatting through a contacts site, we finally get together. mff, with toys and fun.

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We meet at the cafe. Each of us a little nervous, our pulses raised with anticipation. The meeting was arranged as a wait and see, but we are all aware of the pretext for this meeting.

Prior to coming out to meet you, I have been teasing H about her making love to you, kissing you, and again feeling the soft touch of another females body against her skin, all while idly touching her, and arousing her to the point almost, of no control.

We sit and order our coffees. Idle chitchat ensues, work, the weather, etc. As conversation progresses, it is easy to sense a shift in mood. We are sitting in a booth. You next to H, and I sit opposite you both.

I notice subtly, that your hand now drops from being on top of the table, to out of my sight under it. I presume that you are just lowering it to your lap, but then H moves a little, and I know now, that your hand is on her lap as we sit there and talk.

The topic now turns to our past experiences, and yours, the mood is now most definitely impossible to mistake.

I notice that your arm is now moving slightly, as your stroke my girl friends leg while we talk. Knowing H as I do, the pink in her cheeks is too hard to mistake, you are turning her on while you play with her thigh, your hand snaking up and down inside her jeans. ...

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