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The Real, Real McCoythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3377 words)

Author: K.C. Picture in profile
Added: Sep 28 2003Views / Reads: 2387 / 2074 [87%]Story vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
The Boss and his assistant........

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She sat at her desk in the outer office. It was almost 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon and she was looking forward to the weekend. However, her weekend couldn't begin until her Manager said so.

The intercom buzzed and she pressed the reply button.

"Yes, Mr Jamieson?" she asked.

"Ms McCoy, could you please come in here for a few minutes?" the disembodied voice of Michael Jamieson, her boss, came through the speaker deep, loud and clear.

"Of course, Sir." She answered and pushed her chair back as she stood.

She walked around her desk, knocked on the closed office door and entered the room. The dark haired Jamieson was seated at his desk. Handsome, dignified and in his 50's, much younger men struggled to keep up with him. And there was another man seated in front of his desk - his 4pm appointment, Mr Simon Randolph.

The younger Randolph stood to his full 6-foot height and held out his hand and gave her the once over, as her boss made the introductions and bade her to sit in the second vacant chair.

"Ms McCoy, my good friend Simon here is looking for a new Personal ...

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