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Jen Gets Back in the Gamethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4020 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Alias2you
Added: Oct 04 2003Views / Reads: 1992 / 1675 [84%]Part vote: 9.88 (8 votes)
After finally learning the true meaning of good dick, Jen gets hooked and starts craving more. (Please send feedback and don't forget to vote).

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After months of flirting with Scott at the dance club each Friday night, Jen finally decided to take it to the next level and was she ever glad she did. Scott fucked her like no one ever had and for the first time in her life she fully understood the meaning of good dick.

After a weekend of non-stop sucking and fucking, Jen had to force herself to put Scott out of her apartment before her ex-husband, Ken, brought her son KJ home from the weekend. Even though it was none of his business, the last thing she needed was to ruin her incredible weekend with a macho confrontation between Ken and Scott. Plus, she was not yet ready to introduce her son to Scott.

When Ken called to ask if he could keep KJ for another night and take him to daycare in the morning, Jen was upset that he had waited so late to call. She thought to herself, "that no good fuck would call after I made Scott leave." She started to call Scott to come back over to resume their weekend of intense fucking, but truth be told, Jen was sore and completely exhausted. After going without sex for so long, her pussy could use the rest and before she knew it, she was curled up in bed and sound asleep.

Jen woke up early Monday morning with a smile on her face. She was well rested from a good night's sleep and she had vivid memories of her weekend with Scott running through her mind. Plus, she couldn't wait to tell her best friend, Alex, and her assistant manager, Mary, about her ...

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