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Sweet Kathleenthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3074 words) [4/5] show all parts

Author: subtamer
Added: Jul 06 2000Views / Reads: 1653 / 1311 [79%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Kathleen learns there's more to this D/s thing than she thought.

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Sweet Kathleen Part Four

Please read parts 1-3 to put Kathleen's latest adventure in context.

* * *

"Come for me Kathleen," the sound of his voice.... .. the look in his eyes .. I can just barely see him... OH MY GOD... it's starting again.... Is that my voice?

OH.... MY.... GOD......

I simply cannot believe the sounds coming out of me.. the almost animal like sounds.. the whimpering, almost crying, agonizing sounds almost as if I'm being tortured...

I cannot seem to get enough air.. I'm gasping like a fish... an involuntary giggle escapes amid the grunting and gasping.. I simply cannot BELIEVE what I've just felt....

"I've got you, Kathleen.... I've got you...." His voice is sooo soothing.. he knows exactly what I want to hear.. I can really relax.. he's protecting me.. I can FEEL him like he's placed a shield around me.. I'm almost floating.. weightless..


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