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San Francisco Surprisethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2726 words)

Author: K.C. Picture in profile
Added: Oct 13 2003Views / Reads: 3024 / 2269 [75%]Story vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
A trip to San Francisco on New Year's Eve reveals a new side of sexual pleasure... Please read on.

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A few years ago, I found myself in San Francisco on New Years Eve in an anonymous night club/bar. Loud techno and hip hop music thumping through the speakers, flashing multi-coloured lights lighting up the small, crowded dance floor. The place was crammed with gyrating bodies but it was, after all, New Years Eve.

I stood against the wall, nursing the latest in a long line of beers watching the dancers (or wannabe dancers). I would tell you how many drinks, if I could actually remember the exact count.

Anyway, suffice it to say, I was a foreigner in a foreign land and quite tipsy, (well drunk really). I was visiting family for the Christmas/New Year period and was asked to the club by the younger generation of family friends to bring in the New Year in a jovial (they meant drunkard) atmosphere.

So there I was, in a club I didn't really like, with music blaring in my ears that I didn't really like and with family friends that I barely knew. Was this a fun night, or what?

I was beginning to feel like it might be time to pack up and go home but after looking at my watch, I realised that it was only a half hour to midnight. Besides that, the friends, who had the car keys, had disappeared on the dance floor once again. I'd passed on the dancing on account of looking after the table of drinks. However, when a good ...

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