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Old Memories Rekindledthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4497 words)

Author: Larry
Added: Oct 22 2003Views / Reads: 3782 / 2757 [73%]Story vote: 9.00 (6 votes)
A night out to celebrate a friend's anniversary rekindles some old memories, and helps to make some new ones.

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"Leisure Suit Larry" came out of me again. This adventure just happened to me last night, as I write this. 'Larry' is my alter-ego, my split personality, my helmet-head persona, whatever you want to call it. To date, I've written one other story about 'Larry', but there are plenty more to share if you like them (and if I have time).

Wow!! What a crazy night! Deb and I attended the 50th Wedding Anniversary of her friend, Jan's parents. Jan is my wife's best friend, so she also knows her parents pretty well, thus we were invited to help celebrate. It seemed like it would just be a normal night, with a little socializing and drinking. Until we walked in that is! That's when I saw Mindy. (I referred to her in my previous story and intended to share that with you. Last night's happenings just sped up my timetable.)

Mindy is about 5'5" tall with short, straight dirty blonde hair that is cut into the once famous, Jennifer Aniston look. She has nice large breasts on a slim body, but it is her full succulent lips that capture my attention. They just scream to be kissed, and force me to imagine them wrapped around my cock. They are definitely blow-job lips!

Mindy was at the party with her husband, and as we made our way around the room greeting the people we knew, we ended up with them. My heart was racing already as I looked her over and remembered the night we were together. (but more on that in a little) Tonight, she had on dark ...

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