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A Chance Meetingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2717 words)

Author: sweetnsassy
Added: Oct 23 2003Views / Reads: 1229 / 941 [77%]Story vote: 7.88 (8 votes)
See what happens with 2 strangers after dinner

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A Chance Meeting

Rachael and her friend Gabrielle decided to meet for lunch at Pub 99 on Thursday. They were chatting away about their lives and their kids. Out of the corner of Rachael's eye, she saw him, watching her. She could see his eyes twinkling with mischief and delight. He, sitting there alone, was indeed watching this woman - so animated in her conversation - wondering if he should dare to hope that she would find him as appealing.

Rachael considered herself a plain, ordinary woman, the kind that blends in with any other ‘girl-next door' type. She had long straight brown hair, which she wore up most of the time to keep from getting in her way. Her eyes sparkled with life and passion, but they, too, were just a sort of gray-blue color - nothing extraordinary. She was lucky enough to have a nice complexion, though fair toned with a sprinkling of freckles here and there. Her lips were full and she never wore make-up because she hated the fake feeling it gave her. She'd prefer the feeling of a nice clean soap, washing away the dirt and oils of the day she'd spent at work.

She found Gabrielle to be a great friend, though not pretty but instead rather dull and sort of mannish really. Gabby had medium length hair, blonde and not styled but hanging limp on her head. She tried to make herself feel better by applying too much make-up in the worst shades. ...

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