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Discovery Islethis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 4085 words)

Author: Dori&Jan
Added: Oct 25 2003Views / Reads: 1663 / 952 [57%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A vacation for two becomes a, well, moving experience.

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The most relaxing feeling invades me after we make love. A total calm that brings that deep fulfillment that only comes from affirming the way we feel, I think. We'd only been on the island a few days, but the fleeting sense that two weeks might arrive earlier than we wanted had already flown through my mind. I don't seem able to stop these thoughts from coming to me. I pushed it aside, though. The contentment was just too much for that thought to stay.

You probably guessed that I'm the one that keeps things on schedule, makes sure the timetable is met, the final product delivered, meetings are attended and over on time, flawlessly. Maybe that's why it took longer for my inhibitions to melt away. Wendy was the more imaginative one of us, the adventurous, no-holds-barred, what-do-we-try-next one. Somehow I appreciated that aspect of her more than I ever had before, more than when it was just the business she was driving.

That first day had really taken me by surprise. Not so much that Wendy had tried to get me to open up to having sex with her. We had been around each other a long time, and gotten along together so well, had such a great relationship as "friends, but more than friends" if you know what I mean. What was more surprising was that I had gone along with her advance. That first kiss was such a big step for me. Then touching her breasts like only a lover can, roaming her body without reservations, exploring her most private areas. I was glad she had shown me the way, gotten me tighter than I'd ever been. I used that as ...

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