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Servicing Sara, Part 3:... and Tracithis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 4893 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Brockleigh Picture in profile
Added: Oct 27 2003Views / Reads: 2780 / 2322 [84%]Part vote: 9.60 (5 votes)
Helping Sara out with a favour brings an unexpected reward. MFF

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"So, Brock, will you do it?" Sara's voice said over the phone.

What was I going to say? No? Here was easily the most gorgeous woman I had ever met, asking me if I would help out with a girl's night she had planned. About a dozen or so women that Sara knew would be at her new place for the evening on Friday, and she was hoping that I'd tend bar and generally clean up so she could spend most of her time socializing with her friends as opposed to spending the whole night rushing around playing hostess. I was half hard just thinking about it, and it took me about two hot seconds to decide to help her out. Sara gave me the details on how to get to her new apartment, and what time to be there, and following that, said good bye and hung up.

I sat there for a moment and counted my blessings. Sara was easily turning into the most exciting woman I had ever met, so this wasn't a hard decision to come out and help her tonight. I looked over my wardrobe to figure out what would be best. After only a couple of minutes, I picked out a gray dress shirt and black cotton pants. I quickly showered and cleaned myself up, and before too long, I was dressed and ready to go. I killed the remaining time until I had to be at the apartment by going over my bartender's bible, familiarizing myself with some of the more popular cocktails, and some simple shooters. I laid the book on my coffee table and headed out to Sara's.

As I drove across town, my mind drifted back to the two memorable trysts ...

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