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Post exam vacationthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 3182 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Envy
Added: Oct 28 2003Views / Reads: 8152 / 7286 [89%]Part vote: 9.14 (14 votes)
The story of how a young boy got lucky with his Mum's best friend on vacation after finishing his high school exams.

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It all started one night when we sat down for our usual Friday night family dinner. It had been the end of another long week. I was in the last few weeks of high school and had been studying ridiculous hours for the last month. Over dinner, mum surprised me by saying we were all going on a beach holiday up the coast in four weeks time. She said she had been keeping it a secret from me so that I didn't get distracted from my studies. She said that she had booked a nice hotel right on the beach and that her, Dad, Susan and me were all going. I was so excited. It was just what I needed to let my hair down and relax after a very stressful year.

Susan had been mum's best friend ever since high school and had been pretty much a part of our family since I could remember. Her and mum did everything together. We were all very close. She had never been married and didn't have any kids. She had had the odd boyfriend over the years but never anything serious. I think as time went on she was finding it harder and harder to find herself a good match.

The next four weeks seemed to drag on forever. Dad and I had planned to do a bit of fishing and surfing while mum and Susan couldn't stop talking about how they were going to get the best tans they had ever had. I thought the time would never come.

Well, it finally did and after a quiet night packing the car we woke early and hit the road. It was about a 2 hour drive to the hotel and ...

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