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Gangster's Ballthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:infidelity, 5512 words)

Author: Colleen Thomas
Added: Oct 30 2003Views / Reads: 16743 / 13066 [78%]Story vote: 9.31 (16 votes)
A halloween party turns spicey for a married woman and her boss.

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Too many Treats

Tracy sat and starred at the glop of pumpkin innards on the newspapers. Ben and Tim were both outside now with their father, trying to get a candle to light in the jack-o-lantern and she was stuck with cleanup duty again. Sometimes it felt like she had three kids instead of two. She didn't really mind all that much, but Tom was taking the boys with him to Jersey for the weekend and she couldn't go. She had to agree with Tom's logic, Bergen County was a much safer neighborhood than the crowded apartment complex they were living in while he finished law school. She just hated the fact that she had to work and was missing so much of the kid's growing up. I t also rankled that he always took the boys to his parents instead of letting them spend some time with her Mom.

She had a decent job in a small shipping firm based in Manhattan, but she didn't want to be a working mother. She had greeted her husband's decision to go back to school at age thirty with some trepidation and there had been several quarrels since then. Tom was good looking and she couldn't help but suspect that his return to school was actually an excuse to surround himself with nubile co-eds. At thirty-two she was still very attractive, but she could see where time and gravity were catching up to her. She really needed to be told she was still beautiful, but lately compliments from her husband were as rare as kids who didn't already have a costume picked out. The thing that really ...

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