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It's been too long!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1807 words)

Author: squall_119
Added: Nov 03 2003Views / Reads: 2186 / 943 [43%]Story vote: 8.08 (12 votes)
This is a story about a woman and her married lover having a very hot rendezvous and a relationship that is just for sex. Please Vote.

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You call and to make sure I am home and still want you to drop over. What a silly thought; of course I want you here with me. After we hang up, I spend the next few minutes making sure that wine glasses are out and everything is ready.

When you walk in, you hold me close for a few moments. I so enjoy the feeling of you body against mine. You know how bad I am at opening wine bottles, so you open it and let it breathe. We end up on the couch, just talking. I want to know what is going on with YOU. Not with work, not with anything but YOU. We hold hands and talk. Finally you decide the wine is ready to drink. As we both take the first sip, I step up to you and kiss you deeply. You grin and tell me it must be really good wine. I suggest that we sit someplace because I am growing dizzy from your kisses. We go back to my couch and sip at the wine. Well, you sip. I have put my glass down and have crawled up your body (since you are more lying on the couch than sitting) to begin kissing you greedily over and over. You kiss me back and reach inside my shirt to find my heavy breasts. We both know how much you love holding and kissing and licking and sucking them. MMMMM, your touch excites me so much. You are the one that suggests we move to someplace a little more private as the front door is still open.

You take my glass from me. You sit on the bed and pull me against you. I'm just the right height that your head fits between my breasts. Within moments I begin taking off my shirt and bra. You gasp slightly ...

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