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kellys dark sidethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 1179 words)

Author: James P Sullivan
Added: Nov 12 2003Views / Reads: 1990 / 2 [0%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
A woman starts exploring her darker fantasies

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Kelly worked hard at keeping her looks and figure. She had just turned 30 and spent a lot of time in the gym. Her long blonde hair and green eyes were stunning along with her curvy 44D - 24 - 34 figure. Her large breasts still defied gravity and men would get whiplash looking at her. Kelly had always had a humdrum sex life. Never anything off the ordinary, but her dark side always was there looking to surface. Now that she had met James, someone who had that dark side as well. James had explored and played with that side of him and now he was helping Kelly to explore hers.

Kelly had always fantasized about having a guy pound her ass, to treat her like a piece of meat, someone to do as they wanted and be rough about it. Just the thought made her wet and start to breathe heavy. One major reason was James was going to do that to her tonight and she couldn't wait to get over there.

Kelly's heart raced as she rang the doorbell, she was feeling flushed and she was getting very excited already. Soon James opened the door and showed her in. Kelly gave James a big kiss, she was already very horny and couldn't wait to get going. "So I see you are ready to go" James said smiling swatting her ass. James led her into the living room and then went to the stereo and put on a cd. He paused it then came back over to Kelly. "So are you ready to go" he asked. Kelly's ...

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