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Grand Openingthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 2959 words)

Author: Cameo Picture in profile
Added: Nov 14 2003Views / Reads: 3703 / 3085 [83%]Story vote: 9.19 (16 votes)
Breaking in our club on opening night, the right way!

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My husband and I have wanted to open our own club for several years. I have the business sense and he has the people skills. About a year ago we lived out another fantasy, that of having another couple join us in the bedroom. Now we are both full fledged swingers. So it's no surprise that our "club" idea quickly took another direction.

We eventually saved the money we needed for the start up, and picked a place way out in the middle of nowhere. The inside was a little gaudy in the daylight hours, but at night when it was dimly lit, it was sensual and erotic feeling. There were tables scattered around a dance floor, but most of the room was taken up with couches with thick cushions. We stocked the best drinks and hired the best DJ we could find.

Now all we needed was a gimmick. We needed something that would fill the place up on opening night. Sam and I talked about it at length and decided that something from our own private lives could do the trick. You see, we both love being blind folded during sex. There is something extremely exciting about not knowing where you are going to be touched next, and never knowing what you are being touched with!

We took this idea and expounded on it. We advertised on local radio stations and with flyers that our opening night would conclude with an adult surprise for all of those couples that were curious enough to stick around until closing time. Then we set about making ...

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