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Brat Pack 5this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 5290 words) [5/6] show all parts

Author: Geek Writer
Added: Nov 15 2003Views / Reads: 3651 / 3430 [94%]Part vote: 9.17 (6 votes)
Duncan gets busted by a Mom, turns it around to his advantage

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Chapter 5 - All Good Things Come to an End??

I was putting together some preliminary plans for the project I was beginning, sitting at my desk drinking coffee. It was just after lunch and I wanted to get some stuff done so I could get out of the house and workout for a while. Getting this project was key since it was going to set me up for about 18 months, but I needed a little break. I was feeling like a serious workout was in my plans for the afternoon. Of course I was wrong...sort of.

I heard a chime from my computer and saw a box pop up in the corner. I had put an instant messenger on my machine, using it to talk to Sam every once in a while. When all of the birthday episodes began to happen, I began getting messages from the girls I had 'celebrated' with. Looking at the id name, it said ChristyBitch12. I smiled, knowing it was Christy, but the message was a bit strange.

ChristyBitch12: Is this Duncan Campbell? Dunk49: Yes, it is. I assume this is not Christy... ChristyBitch12: Your assumption is correct. This is Tami Hovnell, her mother.

Shit, this is bad. People always say you can't tell a person's feelings from text messaging... I say that's a crock of shit. She sounded pissed off, and I had a feeling I knew why.


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