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Summer tanthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1618 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Aphrodite
Added: Nov 16 2003Views / Reads: 2769 / 1604 [58%]Part vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
Marissa's husband is out of town for the weekend, and she decides to spend it outside, to her suprise, recieves a sexy visitor.

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Summer was fast approaching the sleepy little bedroom town, and Marissa couldn't be happier. She loved the summer, especially since she had lost all of that unwanted weight. She could wear skimpier outfits and for the first time in probably 15 years, she could wear a bikini. She had purchased a nice thong stringy thing from Fredrick's during the spring and finally had the guts to put it on. She slathered tanning oil all over her body, then slid the barely there two piece on. The fabric was thin and felt great against her skin. The black string top barely hid her huge breasts and the thong bottoms made her feel naked and sexy. Marissa grabbed a beach blanket from the hall closet, a book to read and her portable stereo, and headed outside for her first of many tanning sessions in her very private backyard.

She got herself comfortable on the grass, and proceeded to read her romance book. She, however, could not concentrate on the steamy pages. Her mind kept wondering to the conversation that she and her husband had the night before. John, her husband, had decided that he did not want an open marriage. He seemed to have a problem with sharing his wife with other men. He, on the other hand, didn't have a problem with sharing himself with other people. He was currently on the road towards Colorado with some buddies, going hunting and fishing for the weekend. She wasn't going to miss him much; she had so many things to catch up on. As the afternoon slowly drifted away, Marissa's mind kept wondering. She wondered what Michael was up to. She still hadn't seen him since their first encounter earlier that spring, unless you count ...

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