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Three don't have to be a crowdthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:threesomes, 2808 words)

Author: King Courier Picture in profile
Added: Nov 18 2003Views / Reads: 11416 / 8472 [74%]Story vote: 7.00 (4 votes)
Our first steps to forfilling both our fantasies - Guilt free, no ties, safe and uncomplicated mff. With a little plotting and planning I was able to arrange an evening of what we clearly both wanted, but she needed to be led to. An amorous and accomodat

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After 7 years of marriage, while still very much in love, we had become complacent with each other's company, not least in the bedroom. Following a drunken, yet very real, encounter some years before I had become aroused by the prospect of her latent lesbian, not tendencies but definite interests.

Melanie, a client, yet more than that, had in her boastful attempts to seduce me indicated that she was not adverse to the pleasures of ladies, and infact had enjoyed this particular delight on quite a few occasions.

Her 38th birthday provided my opportunity to offer a most memorable gift. It was all planed, a chance encounter with a valued client in the hotel into which I booked us for a night of R n' R away from the kids.

Following a very romantic and "charged" meal, halfway through which she had, following much teasing and daring, adjourned to the ladies to remove her panties, we relaxed in the bar for a nightcap before retiring for the night.

Who should we meet at an a-joining table but Melanie! She had, been booked into the same hotel for a similar night by her adoring husband only for him to be called away to Manchester at the last moment - with much apologies and his instructions that as the kids where at her mothers - "you go any way as they have a spa". ...

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