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Bath Timethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1558 words)

Author: squall_119
Added: Nov 19 2003Views / Reads: 1048 / 789 [75%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
My woman gives my a gift of a bath and a blow job and I reward her with some hot sex. Please Vote.

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Bath Time

I came home from helping a friend move in. What was suppose to take me a three to four hours. Never knew someone who has so much stuff in an apartment. I come home around ten, flushed, sore, and exhausted. I sag into a soft chair. You kiss my forehead and you ask, "How was it?"

"They don't know how to pack. It was very frustrating," I mutter under your breath, "and boxes that went on endlessly."


I shake your head. "A glass of water would be great, though." I gingerly untie my shoelaces and remove my shoes and socks. You go into the kitchen and return with the water. "From the tap," You say. "Not too cold; don't want your stomach to cramp, dearest."

"Thanks for thinking of me," I say, smiling at you. You sit on the arm of the chair and kiss my sweaty forehead.

"I bet I taste like a salt-lick," I grouse.

"If I smeared you with butter, I'd take you out to the movies and eat you while I watched Arnold Schwarzenegger," you reply, grinning.


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