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Always and Foreverthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 10075 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Nov 25 2003Views / Reads: 1293 / 1033 [80%]Story vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
Diane experiences loss of love, only to rediscover it again.

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Always and Forever

By: Thesandman

Mark and Diane were the perfect couple. All their friends thought so, as did each of their families. They had met their first year of high school, quickly becoming an item, inseparable, attending every dance, every function together.

Diane was tall, statuesque with near coal black hair that fell well towards the middle of her back. In addition, she had piercing blue eyes just like her mothers. Mark was at least an inch shorter than she was, a fact he was oft times kidded about. He wore his nearly blonde hair a little longer than most guys, preferring it that way simply because he thought his ears too big even though they weren't. And besides, he loved it whenever he and Diane would sit on the couch watching T.V. together while she sat running her fingers through it.

What few if any knew about either of them was that they were both virgins. Early on they'd discussed their desires for one another, freely admitting to them. And though the temptations had been great, Mark and Diane had agreed not to rush anything. And though it was more Diane's wish to wait rather than his, Mark respected and thus accepted that decision.


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