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A HORNY WOMAN PART 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2837 words)

Author: highcountryscribbler
Added: Nov 25 2003Views / Reads: 4416 / 3367 [76%]Story vote: 8.62 (8 votes)
Roger uses Shelly again and introduces her to new experiences. Shelly finds she enjoys it as she continues to experience new sexual pleasures

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Shelly Swanson sat in her kitchen sipping coffee. She glanced at the clock. Damn would 1:00pm never come? It was only 12:28pm. She thought about what had happened that morning. God I never would have believed a finger in my ass could bring me so much pleasure she thought. Her tight little asshole still tingled from the sensation. She looked at the clock again. Damn it was only 12:32pm. She had lain on the bed for a long time this morning after Roger left in the aftermath of the wonderful orgasm he had brought her. Her plump body had twitched and jerked uncontrollably as she floated through the after pleasure. She had quickly got up and went in to shower and wash her hair. Her body was still tingling when she finished and went to cut off the sweatshirt where he had marked it. She was wearing it now along with a pair of baggy shorts and sandals. The sweatshirt barely covered her big hanging breasts. She'd never be able to wear it anywhere. If she moved her arms up at all her breasts would be bare. The sound of the lawn mower brought her out of her trance. The sound had come from the front of the house and Shelly walked into the living room straining to see Roger. She didn't hear the back door open and close.


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